Castrol Achieves Extended Life On Underground Mining Steel Wire Rock Hoist Ropes

SS1 Rockwinder

The Solution Extended Rope Life By 30% And Resulted In A Saving Of R2.4million To The Mine


The SS1 Rockwinder at AngloGold Ashanti site Mponeng was experiencing premature failure on steel ropes in underground mining.


By working collaboratively with Mponeng looked at the mode of failure and determined that by using high performance lubricant and a intelligent lubrication system would arrest corrosion and extend rope life as well as mitigating risk by taking people out of harms way.


It was agreed to use a high performance lubricant Tribol 1060/68 in conjunction with an automated spray lubrication system to ensure proper lubrication, mitigating risk of manual lubrication, corrosion and premature failure.


The rope life was extended by 30% over previous rope life. Labour required for the manual lubrication was eliminated and cost avoidance was achieved by extending rope changeout cycle.